March 24, 2025
Lunch today: BBQ on a Bun, Pears, Baked Beans, Milk
MS/HS Announcements
1. Spring concert is today, Monday, March 24th at 7 pm. Please have students in classrooms by 6:40. Dress in pirate attire if you would like. Please bring cookies for the cookie social after in the MPR.
2. Congratulations to our Girls State Participants: Emme Nelsen, Gracie Rohde, Aleah Musser
3. Congratulations to:
· South Central Conference - Girls Basketball - Raelynn Kingsley Honorable Mention
· South Central Conference - Boys Basketball - Jonah Musser Honorable Mention
4. All Conference for Great Plains Conference:
· GBB Raelynn Kingsley - All Conference, Anika Musser - Honorable Mention
· BBB-Jonah Musser - All Conference, Tyson Wetzel - Honorable Mention
5. Seniors - Please turn in a senior picture and baby picture to Mrs. Rohde for the yearbook.
6. Prom and after-prom forms, grand march and picture sign-up sheets are in the office. All permission forms are due by April 10th. If your date is from another school, there is a form I will email to their school. The deadline for after prom t-shirt orders is Monday, March 31st at noon.
7. Driver’s Ed sign-up sheet is in the office. It will be May 19-21 and 23. You must be 14 by January 1st of 2026. Cost is $250 paid by May 13th. Gregory’s summer lunch program could be utilized for free, if desired.
8. Current 6th and 7th grade boys interested in a football camp on June 13th in Avon, please contact Duane Wetzel or one of the captains, Tyson, Alex, or Harley.
9. 4th-7th grade girls there is a volleyball camp in Mitchell at DWU this summer on June 9-10. Flyers were handed out to all girls in this age bracket. Please mail it in promptly as there are a limited number of seats available and contact Ashley Supik at 840-9413 if you have mailed it.
Elementary Announcements
1. Spring concert is today, Monday, March 24th at 7 pm. Please have students in classrooms by 6:40. Dress in pirate attire if you would like. Please bring cookies for the cookie social after in the MPR.
2. 4th-7th grade girls there is a volleyball camp in Mitchell at DWU this summer on June 9-10. Flyers were handed out to all girls in this age bracket. Please mail it in promptly as there are a limited number of seats available and contact Ashley Supik at 840-9413 if you have mailed it.