March 12, 2025
Lunch today: Turkey Slices, Wheat Bun, Applesauce, Corn, Milk
1. Tuesday, March 11 – BBB SoDak 16
2. Thursday – Saturday, March 13-15 – GBB State Championship
MS/HS Announcements
1. Prom and after-prom forms, grand march and picture sign-up sheets are in the office. All forms are due by April 10th. If your date is from another school, there is a form I will email to their school.
2. Family Dance Night is this Thursday from 6-8 pm. Come and enjoy a night out with family and dance the night away. There are door prizes, snow cones, bbqs, and snacks. Student 5th grade and younger need to be accompanied by an adult or older high school sibling. There is no charge to attend.
3. Current 6th and 7th grade boys interested in a football camp on June 13th in Avon, please contact Duane Wetzel or one of the captains, Tyson, Alex, or Harley.
4. High school boys’ and girls’ basketball jerseys to be handed in Wednesday, March 12th at GT at the gym.
5. Become a hero and donate blood. Lifeserve has a blood drive in Winner on Thursday, March 20th from 10:30-5:30. Remember to pick up a permission form in the office if you’re 16 and/or if this is your first time donating. Donate 3 times while in HS and you can wear a red tassel at graduation.
6. Driver’s Ed sign-up sheet is in the office. It will be May 19-21 and 23. You must be 14 by January 1st of 2026. Cost is $250 paid by May 13th.
7. 4th-7th grade girls there is a volleyball camp in Mitchell at DWU this summer on June 9-10. Flyers were handed out to all girls in this age bracket. Please mail it in promptly as there are a limited number of seats available and contact Ashley Supik at 840-9413 if you have mailed it.
8. Seniors - Please turn in a senior picture and baby picture to Mrs. Rohde for the yearbook.
Elementary Announcements
1. Family Dance Night is this Thursday from 6-8 pm. Come and enjoy a night out with family and dance the night away. There are door prizes, snow cones, bbqs, and snacks. Student 5th grade and younger need to be accompanied by an adult or older high school sibling. There is no charge to attend.
2. 4th-7th grade girls there is a volleyball camp in Mitchell at DWU this summer on June 9-10. Flyers were handed out to all girls in this age bracket. Please mail it in promptly as
there are a limited number of seats available and contact Ashley Supik at 840-9413 if you have mailed it.